Personal and property protection, private investigation
Your safety is Our first priority!
In today's world, the protection of personal safety is a service available even to the average person. Everyone has the right to protect their physical integrity, to have their lives undisturbed, and to preserve their human dignity.
The team will help you with professional security tasks.
In today's world, the protection of personal safety is a service available even to the average person. Everyone has the right to protect their physical integrity, to have their lives undisturbed, and to preserve their human dignity.
Driver service
Driver service anywhere in the country or in other countries.
The driver performs the service with a vehicle owned and used by the customer, taking into account the customer's needs.
We recommend it
- for businessmen, lawyers, and other intellectual workers, if they want to devote their business trip to rest, regeneration or preparation for a business meeting (negotiation).
- For all those who, for any reason, would entrust the driving to someone else (do not want to drive under the influence of alcohol, in heavy traffic, at night)
- To anyone for any reason.
Contact: +36707446993
We recommend Money – Value Insurance:
- For companies and entrepreneurs who personally transport their income and securities from one object to another.
- For jewelry stores and pawnshops who transport valuables, money, jewelry, and precious stones from one object to another.
We recommend guarding and escorting the shipment:
- For the safe handling of special shipments, products and devices
27. § (1) In today's world, the protection of personal safety is already a service available to the average person. Everyone has the right to protect their physical integrity, to have their lives undisturbed, and to preserve their human dignity.
(2) In today's world, the protection of personal safety is already a service available to the average person. Everyone has the right to protect their physical integrity, to have their lives undisturbed, and to preserve their human dignity.
(3) A személy- és vagyonőr arányos mérvű kényszerítő testi erő alkalmazásával
a) a védett személy biztonságát fenyegető támadást elháríthatja;
b) a védett létesítménybe, területre való jogosulatlan belépést megakadályozhatja, a jogosulatlanul bent tartózkodót onnan eltávolíthatja;
c) a rendezvényt zavaró vagy annak biztonságát veszélyeztető személyt a rendezvényről eltávolíthatja;
d) a pénz- és értékszállítást jogtalanul akadályozó személyt eltávolíthatja, illetve a szállítmány biztonságát fenyegető támadást elháríthatja.
(4) A személy- és vagyonőr a feladata ellátása során vegyi eszközt (gázsprayt), gumibotot, őrkutyát, valamint – az erre vonatkozó jogszabályok rendelkezései szerint – lőfegyvert tarthat magánál és azokat csak jogos védelmi helyzetben, illetve végszükség esetén alkalmazhatja. )
Contact: +36707446993
Personal protection
Personal protection
In today's world, In today's world, the protection of personal safety is already a service available to the average person. Everyone has the right to protect their physical integrity, to have their lives undisturbed, and to preserve their human dignity. In today's world, almost anyone can find themselves in such a difficult situation that they have to fear for their own, family or acquaintances' lives and physical integrity.
If you are:
- politician
- outstanding figure of scientific life
- media personality
- artist
- athlete
- economic specialist
- wealthier person
- lawyer
- prosecutor
- judge
- witness
- a private individual who is harassed or threatened
- a person whose child or family member is harassed or threatened
- a person who is afraid to let their child go into the night
- a relative of important persons -
ajánljuk a személyvédelmi, testőr szolgáltatásainkat.
Writing security plans
We recommend:
- For security companies who don't want to bother with paperwork.
- For companies and enterprises that employ their own security guards, but do not know how to design and write security plans and guard instructions.
- Event organizer for businesses and events.
- For municipalities to organize their events safely
- For individuals who want to design and install security devices in their house or holiday home.
Contact: +36707446993
Installation of safety equipment
- Security cameras
- Alarm and surveillance systems
- Access control systems
- Motion detectors
- Fire and smoke alarms
we undertake the installation.
Contact: +36707446993
How It Works
Learn about the process of creating a joint work